It is never a good idea to advertise or represent yourself as something that you are not. Steven Hatfield it appears has claimed to be licensed and or endorsed with the Kodokan and a 5th dan in judo (pictured above on left). Why he decided to do this is anyone's guess. The fact is, it is a claim that could easily be checked out and it was. Hatfield doesn't have a single rank in judo that is recognized or verified thru the NGBS. According to the Kodokan Hombu in Japan, he holds no rank with the Kodokan either. He isn't licensed nor is his school, his Kontei Judo or Sieken Judo Jiujitsu Association. According to an email from the Kodokan in Japan, Hatfield nor his associate Bret Gordon are instructors, nor hold any rank or any licensed status or have any ranked standing with the Kodokan.
As for Hatfield's Kodokan member card, anyone even non judoka can purchase a Kodokan member card. Kodokan member cards are easy to get. Tourists can purchase them from a vending machine at the Kodokan without ever taking a single class. A member card can even be purchased online without ever training in judo ANYWHERE or physically stepping foot in the Kodokan. The card doesn't imply any type of standing with the kodokan. It's only purpose is to keep track of gym members coming in and out of the Kodokan.
The email above from the Kodokan makes it perfectly clear that neither Steven Hatfield or Bret Gordon have any standing with the Kodokan.
USA Traditional Kodokan Judo (USA-TKJ).....yep, that's a hard NO.
Hatfield's rank it seems comes from a organization called the USA Traditional Kodokan Judo (USA-TKJ). Is the USA TKJ organization affiliated or recognized by the Kodokan? Well first and foremost I will let the president of the USA TKJ give that answer. He posted it online in a judo group.
As you can see Bruce Bethers the owner and president of the USA TKJ appeared to be reluctantly honest but did make it perfectly clear (circled in red above) that the USA-TKJ is NOT affiliated with the Kodokan. I also sent an email to the kodokan asking them if there was any affiliation to the USA-TKJ. They repeated Mr. Bether's statement.
The statement from the Kodokan was brief but direct....the Kodokan has nothing to do with the USA-TKJ. It seems Bethers owner/founder/president of the The USA TKJ was being honest and the Kodokan verified it as well on Oct. 15, 2023 there is no affiliation with the USA TKJ. The USA TKJ holds no standing with the Kodokan or the Judo NGBs. There are several "organizations" that seem recognize/support the USATKJ. However, all have the same business address as the USA TKJ, all appear to be founded/owned by Bruce Bethers as well.
Before Hatfield started claiming to be licensed and endorsed by the Kodokan he claimed to be licensed and endorsed by Jack Papasan Stern (pictured below). The problem was Stern's own lies were so big that it brought him nationwide attention.
Jack A. Stern known as "Jackie" or "Papasan", claimed to be Congressional Medal of Honor winner and
Prisoner of War in the Korean War. He told stories at veterans events of his military exploits. He claimed to have stayed in the armed forces and served with Air America and then with the CIA. Stern wildly claimed to have even worn the ears of his enemies, around his neck! He claimed to have studied martial arts with the great masters in Japan and Korea while stationed over seas. Stern supposedly retired from the armed forces and went on to be a police officer in New York City and eventually retired as a decorated police detective from an elite law enforcement unit. Stern claimed to had been in Judo over 50 years and that his son was a 1987 Olympic gold medalist in Judo.....but....NOT ONE WORD OF WHAT FLEW OUT STERN'S MOUTH WAS TRUE.
Stern, didn't retire from the military, he was actually a retired bread truck driver. While he did serve in the military, he had never left the United States. See related article:
In 1996 according to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office investigators Jack Stern's entire military record, law enforcement claims and even his martial arts claims were all a lie. “Stern had never set foot in a continent where blood was shed”. He was never in the CIA and never served with Air America. He was never a police officer nor did he retire a detective of a elite Law Enforcement Unit and never trained in martial arts overseas during his service days.
Stern's Judo claims of training at Kodokan with the Judo masters
The Kodokan in Japan themselves validated that there is no record of Stern ever training at the kodokan nor is there a record of his supposed Kodokan member card that is shown on the Kontei Judo website. The Kodokan searched for stern by name the member number on the card and his date of birth and found no record of Stern.
There were no Olympics in 1987
The lie Stern told about his son being a 1987 Judo Olympic gold medalist was laughable to say the least. There were no Olympics held in 1987, his son never competed in the Olympics.
The biggest victims of Stern's lies and fraud were his own students. Stern had charged all his students for school fees to train in his Judo school and membership fees in the Korean Yudo
Association/Korean Yudo and Hapkido Association, an organization supposedly from Korea, who according to Stern issued all rank certificates. According to the Broward County investigation this also turned out to be one of Stern's fabrications as well. Stern's judo/yudo certificates he sold his students were
worthless and not from Korea.
His students ranks and rank certificates were worthless. Also Stern signed his own rank certificates and promoted himself!!!! One certificate for 6th Dan supposedly issued by "the Korean Yudo Association" was signed and dated 1995 by one person.... Jack Stern, himelf, and another signed in the same year for 7th Dan signed and dated by him as well.
According to Broward county Sheriff's office investigation in 1996 Stern's Korean Judo Association/Korean Yudo and Hapkido Association wasn't real. There were no corporation papers, no D.B.A records, no bank account and no tax returns that had been filed. Stern's certificates were worthless, the organization that he claimed to be the head of was non existent.
Judo NGB bans and false documents
In court in 1996 it was revealed that Stern had altered and falsified a plethora of documentation including military discharge paper work, a Time magazine cover, martial arts rank certificates from a non existent judo organization, sold membership to non existent martial arts organization, he forged his own self rank certificates, his own Korean Yudo rank certificates that he himself signed.
Stern admitted during the investigation and in court that he lied about his military and his martial arts training and pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Fort Lauderdale. Newspaper articles and people present at Stern's sentencing stated that Stern apologized to the military, law enforcement, to martial artists and to his students for defrauding them.
Jack A. "Jackie" Stern's false documentation practices also garnered him permanent bans from USA Judo, United States Judo Association and The United States Judo Federation, all three of the National Governing Bodies for Judo in the United States.
Also there is a picture posted on the Kontei Judo site that is captioned Stern with Mifune in Japan. The man circled in yellow on the Kontei site that is claimed to be Stern is actually, well known Judoka Hal Sharp. Hal Sharp was confirmed to have trained at the Kodokan and with Mifune. Hal produced a film series that documented his time in Japan at the Kodokan.
Pictured again above, according to the the Kodokan in Japan there was no record of Stern EVER training at the Kodokan. The Kodokan even questioned the authenticity of Sterns supposed member card. Jack Stern passed away several years ago, however the Kontei Judo website attempts to sugar coat the circumstances around Stern and skirt the truth....but Stern admitted in court that he made EVERYTHING up!
Hatfield currently claims a 4th degree black belt Judo and a 5th in Yudo, a Korean version of Judo supposedly also from Stern. He wears a red white belt implying an even higher rank. Whatever the story these are judo ranks that are not verified by any legitimate Judo organization. More importantly there isn't a single picture of Hatfield actually training in judo early on at a lesser rank such as a Kyu a student or even training with the man he claims is/was his instructor.
The Kodokan it's NGBs and how they work
I would like to point out to readers that using unverifiable judo instructors or instructors who fast track you through judo ranks are practices that not recognized by the Kodokan or any legitimate Judo organizations. Nor is it a practice done or recognized in legitimate Judo schools. There is no skirting the NGBs in any country. Neither the NGBs, nor the Kodokan will accept rank from the USA TKJ.
The NGBs are who the Kodokan uses to vet all foreign Judoka who want their ranks registered through the Kodokan. There are simply no quick paths or back doors into the Kodokan. As an American judoka going to visit the Kodokan to get a black belt you aren’t circumventing the recognized NGBs. You aren’t going to go around one to get to the other. It is going to be challenging to get a Judo Black Belt diploma in Japan. Literally one of the first questions asked is are you a tourist? In Japan there is a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy even for Japanese nationals who train at the Kodokan to get their ranks registered.
Also, as a foreigner, you’re not going to walk in and get your rank recognized at a high dan level. For example, if you’re a sandan, 3rd degree black belt in judo when you visit the Kodokan and your sandan rank is recognized by the NGBs. You will NOT get a Sandan from the Kodokan, it will be a shodan (1st degree black belt).
If you’re able to go through the Kodokan's vetting process in Japan you will be issued shodan diploma from Japan's National Governing Body. If you didn’t have your original shodan rank registered with the Kodokan at the time originally promoted to shodan the Kodokan will start you at shodan even if your present NGB black belt rank is higher. No exceptions. In the Kodokan’s eyes your time in grade at shodan will start on date of the shodan issued by the Kodokan.
Lastly, the truth becomes your past and lies become your future. Stern because of his own reprehensible and fraudulent actions the bans he received from the judo NGBs will never be lifted and will always be listed for generations to see.
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Kodokan response regarding Gordon and Hatfield |
I have written my last article of those of this ilk.....the judo ranks the judo claims of those mentioned in the article are unverified, highly suspect and highly questionable to say the least. The Kodokan Institute in japan has informed me of all I need to know about the likes of Steven Hatfield and Jack one I would care to be affiliated with.
I will be releasing all documents pertaining to Jack Stern's fraud, arrest, his confessions to the police and in court testimony for all to read. The court testimony alone is over 1200 pages (scanning these documents to pdf to post online publicly is quite the job). All will read Stern's own admission to the police and in court regarding not only his stolen valor but his martial art fraud, his judo and yudo rank claims and how he ripped off his own students claiming to be something he absolutely wasn't (maybe someone shouldn't have threatened my student and his daughter).
The Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act
Paying to learn martial arts is considered, paying for goods and services. Intentional misrepresentation of those goods and services fits under this state's Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act. Even though the martial arts are not regulated, the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act prohibits unfair and deceptive acts or practices in trade or commerce. Under FDUTPA, the courts have defined “trade or commerce” as many things, including advertising, soliciting, providing, offering, or distributing any good or service, by sale, rental, or otherwise. The act is very broad in scope, if a consumer transaction occurs, FDUTPA protection is afforded.
Fraud is defined as wrongful or criminal deceptive practices intended to result in financial or personal gain. Consumers are legally able to halt transactions, agreements both verbal and written. Contracts signed with the fraudulent party become null and void and are no longer binding. Consumers can seek litigation to have monies and payments returned in FULL as well as compensatory damages if any occurred.