Monday, September 25, 2023

Issue with Bret Gordon My Final Word

Bret Gordon's two blogs are somewhat confusing. I don't think he realizes he openly admitted to cyberstalking and harassing a father and his daughter and dropping her name less than 24 hours after Randy received a call from someone saying they were going to peel his daughter like a grape. 

Gordon admits that he dropped Randy's daughter name in an attempt to let him know who Gerald was?

Randy isn't Gerald and Gordon fails to understand that the police see it as a intimidation tactic, a threat. Who it was actually intended for is a mute point. I don't think Gordon even thinks he is doing anything wrong and probably feels he is justified. If Gordon doesn't think statements from police officers and the magistrate who talked to him can't be taken or won't be taken as proof in court. I honestly don't know what to say other than that would be a delusional way of thinking. 

I honestly do not have more to say on the matter than I already have. In one of his articles Gordon asked or demanded that I take mine down regarding this matter. Okay...I will do that. I don't believe one second that this will stop Gordon's harassment. He will claim some sort of win and get himself into more trouble with Alabama authorities. I have seen this behavior out of the likes of Ron Collins. That being said, I will not talk Randy out of any future legal action he takes against Gordon. I am going to leave it to Randy and the Alabama authorities. Gordon can apply his skewed "reasoning" with them.

I do think however it would have been better if Gordon had just apologized and admitted he got the wrong information and targeted the wrong person from the jump. 

Randy did report Gordon again and it went to the magistrate today. According to Randy, Gordon was indeed told earlier this year multiple times by Alabama law enforcement and the magistrate that Randy was not Gerald and not to mention Randy's or his daughter name online again....yet Gordon did, just yesterday, on his new blog.....the day after Randy lost his best friend. I don't think the police will see that as a coincidence especially after reading Gordon's new blog.

Sunday, September 24, 2023


 Well apparently Bret Gordon has finally said something online. I will let him tell his side all day long.....I have no problems with that. Here is his little blog article, for everybody to read.

His attempts to imply there is something inappropriate about my 5th degree are laughable and defamatory. Gordon likes to leave out PERTINENT things. He just conveniently skirts the pertinent information and spins. There are no holes regarding my judo experience or rank as Gordon tries to allude to. My rank is commensurate with my time and experience in judo....oh yes and my age, I am not too young for my 5th dan in judo. I have trained in judo over 35 years it's ALL verifiable.....there is no misrepresentation there. 

I have zero problems answering questions regarding my rank, how I attained that rank OR GETTING ON THE MAT. The mat is the proving grounds so if Gordon is stating that I misrepresented my rank then he shouldn't have problem with a little randori session with me then. Gordon can drive forty minutes come in and sign a waiver and we will video it and let all decide who the actual judoka really is. I'm willing to put my skills to the test. Gordon wont because he knows he would be embarrassed. 

I have always maintained that one should not make things out to be what they aren't. The biggest thing out of Bret's response on his blog is apparently his original kodokan claims were all just a big misunderstanding that he actually didn't make those claims.  Well Gordon should make a public statement, if that's the case, like Bruce Bethers did regarding having no affiliation with the Kodokan. Bethers made it perfectly clear that there wasn't. Once he made it clear...then everyone knew what they were getting themselves into. End of story. 


I also want to point out that Gordon failed to address the actual issue. No adult should ever threaten a child or threaten a parent to do harm to their child. He actually tried to twist this to make it about some case he supposedly won. I want to make this clear. I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT SOME CASE. 

The issue with Gordon is that he threatened the kid of one of my students, a 13 year old girl. He was caught red handed by police and knows he is being investigated. He skirts the real issue. I suppose threatening my student's daughter is some sort of big misunderstanding also. Funny that there was no such statement or apology ever offered to me or the victims. Gordon never denied anything to the police and even attempted to justify what he did to the police. I suppose this is somehow a misunderstanding though. Did Gordon attempt to apologize for this incident on his new blog? Nope. Bottom line, Gordon and some of his friends targeted them on purpose.

I suppose Gordon using my copyrighted material on his new blog is also a big misunderstanding as well. A lot of misunderstandings around Gordon it seems. 

I believe Gordon has been unsettled by the fact that several people who knew and trained with him have reached out to me. I am sure he is worried about the outcome of HIS run in with the Alabama police. An incident that was of his own doing. There isn't much more I can write about either Gordon or Hatfield regarding their judo claims, they know what they did and how they tried to represent themselves. If Gordon is now claiming there is no affiliation with the Kodokan then he should make that perfectly clear online, like Bruce Bethers did with the USATKJ. 

I teach Judo, specifically, Barron Shepherd Judo and Barron Shepherd Combat Judo....I don't claim it to be anything else and certainly not something that it is not. My rank is earned. I don't promote myself or give myself rank or buy it. Gordon's attempt to discredit someone who he too pussy to even scrimmage with is laughable. What a spineless coward. 

However, there is still the issue of his involvement in threatening my student's kid which I believe, as the cops do, was intentional. THIS IS NOT FORGIVABLE! Gordon knows this is the issue and he avoids it in his blog and attempts to come off like he is the victim and not the 13 year old girl and her father who he tried to harras/threaten simply because the man was a student of mine! 

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Bret Gordon and Steven Hatfield Kodokan Judo Lies and Deception part 2

One of Bret Gordon's own students reached out to me and I wrote about what he told me a couple of articles ago. Since then a few of Bret Gordon's former students reached and shared their experiences. I will talk a little more about that later in this article. I decided to look at Bret Gordon's and Steven's Hatfields most recent bios on their Kontei Judo website. When compared to past bios well lets just say that when it comes to Gordon’s and Hatfield's Judo and BJJ claims…… the numbers just aren’t adding up. 

I am not going to sugar coat this! I am just going to say that when it comes to their judo claims they are both lying their asses off. Despite what Gordon and Hatfield try to imply to the public and their students neither Gordon or Hatfield have time in grade or experience in judo. I don't care how they try to word and reword shit in actuality they have no real judo experience.  

According to bio on website:

“Steven Hatfield began his Judo training in 2000 under Richard Rodgers, already having over 12 years of experience in other martial arts. He first met Jack Stern in 2002 and began studying with him as well. In 2008, Steven broke away from Rodgers to study Judo/Yudo with Stern exclusively, and would remain under his tutelage until his passing in 2012 having earned the rank of 5th Dan in Yudo under him. In 2017, Steven became an official member of the Kodokan Judo Institute in Japan. Three years later, he became a lifetime member of the US Traditional Kodokan Judo Association and was recognized with the rank of 4th Dan.”

According to the website Hatfield started training in judo in 2000, he met Jack Stern another fraud in 2002 then supposedly trained with Stern exclusively in 2008 then four years later was given a 5th dan. This indicates ONLY 12 years of training, if we are to believe Hatfield…..but I don’t.

By recognized Kodokan standards, the standards that both Hatfield and Gordon claim to adhere to, it takes 42 years MINIMUM to achieve 5th dan with little tournament experience. according to Kodokan standards as well as Kodokan recognized NGB standards, if there is no verifiable competition record or experience it will take longer to attain this rank. 

Hatfield was in his 30’s in 2020 when he first started claiming to be a 7th dan.  This rank claim was later in 2020 recanted. Hatfield then started claiming a 4th dan with the USA TKJ in 2020. By Kodokan standards a 4th dan would take 31 years minimum to achieve, longer if no verifiable tournament experience.  

By kodokan standards if there is no verifiable tournament experience with recognized judo organizations not even the rank of Shodan is awarded. In other words, the Kodokan will not recognize your rank at all if no tournament experience, especially when it comes to foreigners. Hatfield has no verifiable tournament experience with the Judo NGBS or the kodokan on any level.

There is no mention of judo or holding rank in judo until AFTER Stern passed away. No judo training is shown on Hatfield’s technician dojo face book page until approximately 2019 or 2020.  Looking at Bio from 2018 and 2012 there is no mention of Judo ranks neither was there any mention of rank under Jack Stern. So if he had bee training with stern since 2008 why aren’t ranks under him mentioned in the earlier bios.


Hatfield Bio 2012 No mention of Judo, Jack Stern or BJJ

2018 Bio from old black dragon fighting society page: 

09 Received P.H.D in Martial Science From the International School Of Martial Science

09 Received Award of Thanks from Prince Bader Bin Saud Bin Mohammad Mogren Ai-Saud, From Saudi Arabia

W.A.T.E.R.S Knife Self-Defense Program (Founder) 10th Dan Grandmaster

Flowing Hands Ju-Jitsu Edged Weapons Expert Master

A.J.K.F Certified Ryu-Saiichi-Do Karate 10th Dan (Founder)

W.A.R Free safety classes for the abused (Founder)

K.A.S.E Child Safety Program (Founder)

J.P.K.F Certified Combat Hanki 8th Dan Sokedai (Fathers system)

W.T.F Certified Tae-Kwon-Do 8th Dan

I.T.F Certified Tang-Soo-Do 6th Dan Master

U.A.F Certified Ueshiba Aikido 5th Dan Master

American Bujikan Ninjitsu 5th Dan Master

Daito Ryu Ju-Jitsu 6th Dan Master

W.I.F Certified Iaido 4th Dan Apprentice Master

Kemibudoki Certified Goju Ryu Karate 5th Dan Master

W.B.B.B American Goju Ryu Karate Do 5th Dan Master

West Karate Systems Certified Wae-Kune-Do Karate Yudansha Black Belt

W.O.M.A Certified Soke Founder Of Ryu-Saiichi-Do Karate Do 10th Dan Master

Chinese Sokeship Licensing Board Certified Tenshi-Akuma-Do Sword Style 10th Dan Master (Founder)

Vice President/Co Founder of The Ohio School of Martial Science

A.S.C American Sokeship Council 10th Degree Black Belt (Founder) of Tenshi-Akuma-Do Karate Sub Branch

Te-Ashi-Do Goshinjitsu Organization (Founder)

2018 listed on old BDFS website

“He originally named his club Kontei Kodokan Judo to illustrate his desire to preserve the roots of Kodokan Judo as a complete martial art instead of just a sport, and started the Seikan Judo & Jujutsu Association in 2021 to help foster the spread of Kontei Judo. It's important to note that Kontei Judo is not a separate or unique system, but a rejuvenation of the old ways the art was taught.”

Regarding the last bit on the Hatfield’s bio specifically the claim to preserve the roots of Kodokan judo. It doesn’t appear he is operating with any of the Kodokan’s standards at all. So how is he preserving a system whose standards and rank criteria he isn’t even following. Most importantly how is a person with no verifiable back ground or actual training in Judo even rejuvenating Kodokan Judo?


“Bret Gordon first began his journey in the grappling arts in 2007 in Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Gregg Thompson. After a year, he moved on to study under Arnaldo Lugo until 2010. It was then that he had his first exposure to Judo and studied briefly under Laurence Kingston before training with and earning rank in Kojido (a Judo offshoot) under headmaster Dell Sharpe. In 2017, he began formally studying with Hatfield sensei in both Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, although both had been part of what they'd worked since the beginning of their relationship in 2012. He earned his shodan in Judo a year later, and his 2nd Dan in 2020. His rank was recognized by the US Traditional Kodokan Judo Association, and he remains an active member of the USATKJ to this day.”

Gordon who claimed to be a 5th dan explained the rank claims as a typo someone else made while redoing the bios of the webpage. However, it seems regardless of Bret claimed as being typo obviously wasn’t as he was telling visitors to his class he was indeed a 5th dan and getting his 6th very shortly. A look at an earlier bio from 2019 there is no mention of Judo training or holding ANY judo rank:

A far as Kojido being an off shoot of Judo I have to ask by whom is it recognized as a off shoot of Judo by? Not the Kodokan or any recognized Judo association. What authority considers it a actual off shoot? 

Like Hatfield’s Judo claims, the years in training that Gordon claims doesn’t add up nor adhere to Kodokan standards..... not even close. As stated, if we go by the dates provided on their own website. Gordon’s original claim of 5th degree black was utter nonsense. By kodokan standards, which again Gordon claim they are recognized by, it takes 40 plus years to attain that rank. Gordon was in his mid to late 20’s. He later recanted that he was that rank claiming it was a typo made by someone else. So, as a result in 2020 he said he was actually a second dan. 

However a statement sent to me just last week (pictured right) sheds light on Bret's 5th degree claim being a typo. Seems like Gordon was actually telling people he was indeed a 5th and up for his 6th daan within the year!  

Even though he started claiming  2nd dan, again we have the issue that he doesn’t have the time required to have achieved 2nd dan by kodokan or kodokan recognized standards and rank requirements. He is looking at 14 to 20 years to attain 2nd. 14 years is the least if he has VERFIABLE tournament experience. We also know that according to the Kodokan themselves they have no rank that is recognized by the kodokan in Japan and that they are not licensed or endorsed by the kodokan.

It also seems that Bret is now claiming to have trained with an instructor who used to teach Judo in the Clermont area at the old Central Florida Judo dojo. Interestingly enough the school is no longer in business, it closed down several years ago. However it does appear that Gordon wasn't a student there. 
In addition, former students who all attended Gordon’s school from 2011-2016, put to me that there was no talk of Gordon or Hatfield being involved with Judo or BJJ. You can see a text message (pictured left) from one of the former students. Gordon and Hatfield both were claiming they were already going through their judo training before 2011 and garnering rank. The former students seem to corroborate what Gordon and Hatfield's bios prior to 2020 were stating neither one was involved with Judo or BJJ.  If we were to take both Gordon and Hatfield at their word then why wasn't any of this training mentioned in their previous bios before 2019 or 2020 or to even their students? 

The former students also remembered Gordon and Hatfield going to a seminar in 2013 and coming back with 3rd and 5th degree black belts in Kojido after only a couple of days of training. It appears that they found someone who would just trade ranks or give them ranks in something with very little or no training. As mentioned earlier Kojido (supposedly Sterns system) is the system they claimed was a off shoot of judo. Stern, a known fraud, isn't someone I would hitch my wagon to. See related article on Jack Stern

It appears that not even the simplest of their claims can be verified. A lot of their claims stem from people who cant be found, dead or just don't seem to exist or have been out of business for years. Nothing adds up....Jack Sterns own admissions to Broward county Law enforcement and during his trial about making up his martial arts back ground contradict Both Gordon's and Hatfield's claims. I will be releasing police and court documents and transcripts soon.

Gordon's and Hatfield's Kodokan Judo claims have been shot down by the kodokan themselves. I wont to point out their lies over the years got out of control and have been exposed. Neither one will get on the mat and randori with a legitimate judoka, namely me. They know I would mop the mat with them easily and with very little effort. They just aren't and never have been judoka nor have any of the training they try so desperately to imply. See related article

The Kodokan in Japan made it very clear in their email response (pictured above) that neither Gordon or Hatfield hold any instructor status or rank with the Kodokan! Gordon sports Hatfield's Kodokan member card to imply a connection to the Kodokan. Buying a member card from the Kodokan is something ANYONE can do online or over the phone. Mickey mouse can purchase a Kodokan membership. It doesn't mean Mickey actually does Judo! 

Hatfield and Gordon make an effort to find those who they can garner rank from easily, hether it be trading ranks buying them with little or no training involved. They buy or swap rank and then create a elaborate back story around it and or claim they got due to their expertise. They are experts in nothing except lies and deceptive practices. Kodokan Frauds! They claim to teach real judo the way Kano intended. However, buying rank from individuals who will give you rank if you send them a check isnt the same as earning it. Trading rank at a weekend seminar isn't a practice that is recognized by the kodokan nor is fast tracking rank.  There is no such process in judo and certainly not by the kodokan. 

The Kodokan has standards and its obvious both Hatfield and Gordon have no clue as to what they are. I have called them out to randori they are welcome to both come and get on the mat but they are too pussy to even show up together. Their existence is repugnant, their inflated rank certificates that they buy in both judo and BJJ and hang up on their walls are nothing more than toilet paper to wipe shit from your ass with. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


In 2020 Bret Gordon and Steven Hatfield popped up with claims of being 5th and 7th degree black belts in judo. Steven Hatfield claimed to be a 7th dan and Gordon a 5th dan in judo who were licensed and endorsed by the Kodokan in Japan. Bret had posted a copy of his instructor’s Kodokan Member card online as proof of their so-called lincense to teach and endorsement and credentials for all to see. On thier websites a lineage to the Kodokan in Japan passed through a Jack Stern. They have advertised and made many a claim that they teach "real judo the way Kano intended". 

First problem was; Bret Gordon who was not even 30 years old and by any legitimate Judo school and judo organization standards had not even been alive long enough to have earned a 5th degree black belt rank in judo. As for his instructor, Steven Hatfield was also far too young for the rank he claimed. To put this in further perspective Mike Swain, a former Olympic judo silver medalist is 62 years old and is a 6th dan in judo presently. I myself am almost 60 and will not see 6th dan until I am well into my mid to late 60’s. Bret Gordon in his mid to late 20’s and Hatfield in his mid to late 30’s was claiming a 5th dan and a 7th dan. 

The Kodokan membership card (pictured left) that was offered as proof of Hatifled's license or endorsement is only a gym membership card. People do purchase them as souvenirs. The card on its own isn’t representative of anything else more than a gym card. ANYONE can purchase a life time Kodokan member card, at the Kodokan whether you actually train there or not. They are available to tourists. There is even a vending machine you can purchase the card from. The cards can even be purchased online and over the phone with the Kodokan. These cards bare no rank on them, they are simply member cards much like a gym card. Neither are these cards offered or given as a license or endorsement of any kind. referring to them as anything more than a member card is a MISREPRSENTATION of the use of the card. 

Gordon and Hatfield both for whatever reasons later recanted their claims of Judo 5th and 7th degree black belts. After stating that both the 5th and 7th dans were typos made by their website designer, they then claimed lower judo ranks, a 2nd dan for Gordon and a 4th for Hatfield. Hatfield and Gordon acquired these ranks thru the USA TKJ. Gordon then claimed that these ranks were recognized by the Kodokan through USA Traditional Kodokan Judo (USTKJ). Bruce Bethers, the President of the USA TKJ has even verified publicly that the USA TKJ is not affiliated with the Kodokan (pictured below). So why the need for such a false claim? 

On Hatfield's and Gordon's Kontei Judo website its stated that their judo “lineage” is also comes from Jack Stern. On the site there is a picture of a person sitting next to Mifune at the Kodokan and the person claimed to be Stern is circled (picture below). Stern supposedly trained at the kodokan with Mifune during his military days. However, Stern never served in the military over seas. See related article on Jack Stern's false military and martial arts claims and stolen valor court conviction here;

There are also two emails from the Kodokan that state that there is no record of Stern training at the Kodokan. One is in the screen cap below. If you read the screen cap below you will see the Kodokan response on the left. The kodokan said there was no record of Stern training at the Kodokan. The Kodokan simply stated this is a picture of Mifune with Foreign students. Yet this is posted on (below) as evidence of proof of their kodokan lineage. 

By all accounts the person circled in the picture (above in yellow and below left in red) appears to be Sensei Hal Sharpe. The Kodokan has verified that there is a record of Hal Sharp training at the Kodokan and with Mifune in the early 1950s (two pictures below right are of Sensei Sharp circa 1954 for comparison). Readers can look up Hal Sharp and find pictures to judge for themselves.

The kodokan does verify that there is NO record of Jack Stern ever training at the Kodokan in their data base. A Kodokan member card is also shown on the Kontei Judo web site that was allegedly Jack Stern’s Kodokan card from 1960. 

I sent a request to the Kodokan to verify the card and if Mr. Stern did indeed ever train at the Kodokan. Again the Kodokan, even presented with the card and card number could not verify the card was even authentic and stated they have no record of Stern training at the Kodokan in their data base. They also noted that they searched by the card itself, then by his name and his date of birth and found no record of Mr. Stern.

Furthermore, Mr. Stern was also given several lifetime bans starting in 1997 or 98 and then another ban was issued in the 2000s from all three National Governing Bodies for submitting “unverifiable” documents for rank recognition and promotion. The NGBs here in the states banned Mr. Stern for a lifetime, NGB bans have serious long reaching ramifications. Stern’s NGB ban would literally extend to his students and black belts. In other words none of their judo ranks earned through Stern would be recognized. To avoid this, they would have to be reevaluated and retested by a certified rank examiner from an NGB (USJA, USJF, USA Judo). 

The Kodokan has also verified that Bret’s instructor Hatfield is not a licensed or endorsed instructor nor has any rank that is recognized by the Kodokan as they originally implied.  There is no known affiliation with the Kodokan that Gordon has claimed through Hatfield, the USA TKJ organization, or even Stern.

The Kodokan in japan verifies that Hatfield registered/purchased a Kodokan Membership card. No rank of Hatfield’s was recognized. There is no rank on the card. Buying a member card with the Kodokan is NOT the same as registering rank to be recognized by the Kodokan. That is another application process. A process that would require any foreign judoka to go through a Kodokan recognized National Governing body of their country. In the case of Gordon and Hatfield it would be USJA, USA Judo and or the USJF. 

Nor is the card proof that Gordon's or Hatfield's schools or organizations they create and their members are affiliated with the Kodokan.

Despite their efforts including using the term Kontei Kodokan Judo to imply a connection directly to the Kodokan. The implications asserted are very misrepresentative, an “exaggeration” of the actuality of the circumstance.

According to the their websites Hatfield started training in judo in 2000. By recognized Kodokan standards it takes 42 years MINIMUM to achieve 5th dan with little tournament experience. If there is no verifiable competition record or experience it will take longer to attain this rank. Hatfield is currently claiming a 4th dan with the USA TKJ. By Kodokan standards it would take 31 years minimum, longer since Hatfield has no verifiable tournament experience. Gordon currently claims a 3rd dan in Judo however like his instructor Hatfield the number of years he says he has been doing judo are far less than what is required. Circumventing Kodokan standards is not what Kano intended especially when you haven't actually trained in Kodokan Judo. 

Claims regarding the Kodokan in Japan can be checked out. In the case of Gordon's and Hatfield's kodokan judo claims I did that very thing. On August 8th 2023,  I made an inquiry directly to the Kodokan in Japan regarding both Bret Gordon and his instructor Steven Hatfield. In less than 9 hours I got a short, very stern and very direct response.

The Kodokan in Japan made it very clear in their email response (pictured above) that neither Gordon or Hatfield hold any instructor status or rank with the Kodokan! They are not Kodokan black belts. They are not Kodokan instructors. They are not authorized and CANNOT promote under the authority of the Kodokan. They CANNOT get their students ranks recognized by the Kodokan! Gordon and Hatfield have no authority given to them by the kodokan! 

It is incumbent upon both Hatfield and Gordon to prove any actual Kodokan judo training. They haven't provided ANY. The Kodokan themselves have verified that neither one of them hold any rank through or that is even recognized by the instructor status, no endorsement or license. 

The Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act

Paying to learn martial arts is considered, paying for goods and services. Even though the martial arts are not regulated, the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act prohibits unfair and deceptive acts or practices in trade or commerce. Under FDUTPA, the courts have defined “trade or commerce” as many things, including advertising, soliciting, providing, offering, or distributing any good or service, by sale, rental, or otherwise. Fraud is defined as wrongful or criminal deceptive practices intended to result in financial or personal gain. The act is very broad in scope, if a consumer transaction occurs, FDUTPA protection is afforded. Consumers are legally able to halt transactions, agreements both verbal and written. Contracts signed with a fraudulent party become null and void and are no longer binding. Consumers can seek litigation to have monies and payments returned in FULL as well as compensatory damages if any occurred. 

Monday, September 11, 2023


Jack A. Stern known as "Jackie" and "Papasan", claimed to be Congressional Medal of Honor winner and Prisoner of War in Korea. He told stories of his military exploits. He claimed to have stayed in the armed forces and served with Air America and then with the CIA. Stern  even claimed to have even worn the ears of his enemies, around his neck! Ala Tristian, Brad Pitt's character in "Legends of the Fall". 

Jack Stern claimed to have studied martial arts with the great masters in Japan and Korea while stationed over seas. According to Stern he had studied at the birth place of Judo, the Kodokan in Japan! Supposedly after Stern retired from the armed forces he went back to New York City AND became a policeman, then after many years service retired as a decorated detective from an elite law enforcement unit. Stern claimed to had been in Judo over 50 years and that his son was a 1987 Olympic gold medalist in Judo. He claimed he was the head of a Jiu Jitsu system that he had inherited and the head of the "respected Korean Yudo Association". He even also claimed to had been featured on the cover of  Time Magazine.....but....NOT ONE WORD OF WHAT FLEW OUT STERN'S MOUTH WAS TRUE. 

Jack Stern, didnt retire from the military, he was actually a retired bread truck driver. While he did serve in the military, he had never left the United States. See related article:

In 1996 according to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office investigators Jack Stern's entire military record, law enforcement claims and even his martial arts claims were all a lie. “Stern had never set foot in a continent where blood was shed”. He was never in the CIA and never served with Air America. He was never a police officer nor did he retire a detective of a elite Law Enforcement Unit. 

Kodokan Judo claims and Training with the Judo masters

The stories of Stern training in Judo at the Kodokan in Japan while stationed in the far east are false.  The Kodokan themselves validated that there is no record of Stern ever training at the kodokan nor is there a record of his supposed Kodokan member card. The Kodokan searched for stern by name the member number on the card and his date of birth and found no record of Stern.

There were no Olympics in 1987

The lie Stern told about his son being a Judo Olympic gold medalist was a source of amusement to the judoka he tried to tell it to. Anyone that has been active in Judo through the years knows the names of their medalists. The people not in judo were also amused when Stern proudly stated that his son won the gold medal in the 1987 Olympics. There were no Olympics held in 1987. They were held in 1988.

Head of the Korean Yudo Association 

Stern charged all his students for membership in the Korean Yudo Association/Korean Yudo and Hapkido Association, supposedly from Korea, who according to Stern issued all rank certificates.  According to the Broward County investigation this also turned out to be one of Stern's fabrications as well.  Stern's judo/yudo certificates he sold his students were worthless and not from Korea. 

His students ranks and rank certificates were worthless.  Also Stern signed his own rank certificates and promoted himself!!!!  One certificate for 6th Dan supposedly issued by "the Korean Yudo Association" was signed and dated 1995 by one person.... Jack Stern, himelf, and another signed in the same year for 7th Dan signed and dated by him as well. 

According to Broward county Sheriff's office investigation in 1996 Stern's Korean Judo Association/Korean Yudo and Hapkido Association wasn't real. There were no corporation papers, no D.B.A records, no bank account and no tax returns that had been filed. Stern's certificates were worthless, the organization that he claimed to be the head of was non existent.

Judo NGB bans and false documents

In court in 1996 it was revealed that Stern had altered and falsified a plethora of documentation including military discharge paper work, a Time magazine cover, martial arts rank certificates from a non existent judo organization, sold membership to non existent martial arts organization, he forged his own self rank certificates, his own Korean Yudo rank certificates that he himself signed. 

Stern admitted during the investigation and in court that he lied about his military and his martial arts training and pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Fort Lauderdale. Newspaper articles and people present at Stern's sentencing stated that Stern apologized to the military, law enforcement, to martial artists and to his students for defrauding them.

Jack A. "Jackie" Stern's false documentation practices also garnered him permanent bans from USA Judo, United States Judo Association and The United States Judo Federation, all three of the National Governing Bodies for Judo in the United States.

Jack Stern passed away several years ago. There are other frauds who try and sugar coat the circumstances around Stern and skirt the truth by saying that just because Stern lied about his military service doesn't indicate he lied about his martial arts background...but Stern admitted in court that he made EVERYTHING up he admitted IN COURT that he was indeed a liar and a fraud period. 

See related articles on Jack Stern: