I am not going to sugar coat this! I am just going to say that when it comes to their judo claims they are both lying their asses off. Despite what Gordon and Hatfield try to imply to the public and their students neither Gordon or Hatfield have time in grade or experience in judo. I don't care how they try to word and reword shit in actuality they have no real judo experience.
According to bio on konteijudo.com website:
“Steven Hatfield began his Judo training in 2000 under
Richard Rodgers, already having over 12 years of experience in other martial
arts. He first met Jack Stern in 2002 and began studying with him as well. In
2008, Steven broke away from Rodgers to study Judo/Yudo with Stern exclusively,
and would remain under his tutelage until his passing in 2012 having earned the
rank of 5th Dan in Yudo under him. In 2017, Steven became an official member of
the Kodokan Judo Institute in Japan. Three years later, he became a lifetime
member of the US Traditional Kodokan Judo Association and was recognized with
the rank of 4th Dan.”
According to the website Hatfield started training in
judo in 2000, he met Jack Stern another fraud in 2002 then supposedly trained
with Stern exclusively in 2008 then four years later was given a 5th
dan. This indicates ONLY 12 years of training, if we are to believe Hatfield…..but
I don’t.
By recognized Kodokan standards, the standards that both Hatfield and Gordon claim to adhere to, it takes 42 years MINIMUM to achieve 5th dan with little tournament experience. according to Kodokan standards as well as Kodokan recognized NGB standards, if there is no verifiable competition record or experience it will take longer to attain this rank.
Hatfield was in his 30’s in 2020 when he first started
claiming to be a 7th dan. This rank claim
was later in 2020 recanted. Hatfield then started claiming a 4th dan with the
USA TKJ in 2020. By Kodokan standards a 4th dan would take 31 years
minimum to achieve, longer if no verifiable tournament experience.
By kodokan standards if there is no verifiable tournament experience with recognized judo organizations not even the rank of Shodan is awarded. In other words, the Kodokan will not recognize your rank at all if no tournament experience, especially when it comes to foreigners. Hatfield has no verifiable tournament experience with the Judo NGBS or the kodokan on any level.
There is no mention of judo or holding rank in judo until
AFTER Stern passed away. No judo training is shown on Hatfield’s technician dojo
face book page until approximately 2019 or 2020. Looking at Bio from 2018 and 2012 there is no
mention of Judo ranks neither was there any mention of rank under Jack Stern.
So if he had bee training with stern since 2008 why aren’t ranks under him
mentioned in the earlier bios.
![]() |
Hatfield Bio 2012 No mention of Judo, Jack Stern or BJJ |
2018 Bio from old black dragon fighting society page:
09 Received P.H.D in Martial Science From the
International School Of Martial Science
09 Received Award of Thanks from Prince Bader Bin Saud
Bin Mohammad Mogren Ai-Saud, From Saudi Arabia
W.A.T.E.R.S Knife Self-Defense Program (Founder) 10th Dan
Flowing Hands Ju-Jitsu Edged Weapons Expert Master
A.J.K.F Certified Ryu-Saiichi-Do Karate 10th Dan
W.A.R Free safety classes for the abused (Founder)
K.A.S.E Child Safety Program (Founder)
J.P.K.F Certified Combat Hanki 8th Dan Sokedai (Fathers
W.T.F Certified Tae-Kwon-Do 8th Dan
I.T.F Certified Tang-Soo-Do 6th Dan Master
U.A.F Certified Ueshiba Aikido 5th Dan Master
American Bujikan Ninjitsu 5th Dan Master
Daito Ryu Ju-Jitsu 6th Dan Master
W.I.F Certified Iaido 4th Dan Apprentice Master
Kemibudoki Certified Goju Ryu Karate 5th Dan Master
W.B.B.B American Goju Ryu Karate Do 5th Dan Master
West Karate Systems Certified Wae-Kune-Do Karate Yudansha
Black Belt
W.O.M.A Certified Soke Founder Of Ryu-Saiichi-Do Karate
Do 10th Dan Master
Chinese Sokeship Licensing Board Certified
Tenshi-Akuma-Do Sword Style 10th Dan Master (Founder)
Vice President/Co Founder of The Ohio School of Martial
A.S.C American Sokeship Council 10th Degree Black Belt
(Founder) of Tenshi-Akuma-Do Karate Sub Branch
Te-Ashi-Do Goshinjitsu Organization (Founder)
![]() |
2018 listed on old BDFS website |
“He originally named his club Kontei Kodokan Judo to
illustrate his desire to preserve the roots of Kodokan Judo as a complete
martial art instead of just a sport, and started the Seikan Judo & Jujutsu
Association in 2021 to help foster the spread of Kontei Judo. It's important to
note that Kontei Judo is not a separate or unique system, but a rejuvenation of
the old ways the art was taught.”
Regarding the last bit on the Hatfield’s bio specifically
the claim to preserve the roots of Kodokan judo. It doesn’t appear he is
operating with any of the Kodokan’s standards at all. So how is he preserving a
system whose standards and rank criteria he isn’t even following. Most importantly
how is a person with no verifiable back ground or actual training in Judo even rejuvenating
Kodokan Judo?
“Bret Gordon first began his journey in the grappling
arts in 2007 in Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Gregg Thompson. After a
year, he moved on to study under Arnaldo Lugo until 2010. It was then that he
had his first exposure to Judo and studied briefly under Laurence Kingston
before training with and earning rank in Kojido (a Judo offshoot) under
headmaster Dell Sharpe. In 2017, he began formally studying with Hatfield
sensei in both Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, although both had been part of
what they'd worked since the beginning of their relationship in 2012. He earned
his shodan in Judo a year later, and his 2nd Dan in 2020. His rank was
recognized by the US Traditional Kodokan Judo Association, and he remains an
active member of the USATKJ to this day.”
Gordon who claimed to be a 5th dan explained the rank claims as a typo someone else made while redoing the bios of the webpage. However, it seems regardless of Bret claimed as being typo obviously wasn’t as he was telling visitors to his class he was indeed a 5th dan and getting his 6th very shortly. A look at an earlier bio from 2019 there is no mention of Judo training or holding ANY judo rank: https://web.archive.org/web/20180702025205/http://www.triomartialarts.com/sensei-bret-gordon.html
A far as Kojido being an off shoot of Judo I have to ask by
whom is it recognized as a off shoot of Judo by? Not the Kodokan or any
recognized Judo association. What authority considers it a actual off shoot?
Like Hatfield’s Judo claims, the years in training that Gordon claims doesn’t add up nor adhere to Kodokan standards..... not even close. As stated, if we go by the dates provided on their own Konteijudo.com website. Gordon’s original claim of 5th degree black was utter nonsense. By kodokan standards, which again Gordon claim they are recognized by, it takes 40 plus years to attain that rank. Gordon was in his mid to late 20’s. He later recanted that he was that rank claiming it was a typo made by someone else. So, as a result in 2020 he said he was actually a second dan.
However a statement sent to me just last week (pictured right) sheds light on Bret's 5th degree claim being a typo. Seems like Gordon was actually telling people he was indeed a 5th and up for his 6th daan within the year!
Even though he started claiming 2nd dan, again we have the issue that he doesn’t have the time required
to have achieved 2nd dan by kodokan or kodokan recognized standards
and rank requirements. He is looking at 14 to 20 years to attain 2nd.
14 years is the least if he has VERFIABLE tournament experience. We also know
that according to the Kodokan themselves they have no rank that is recognized
by the kodokan in Japan and that they are not licensed or endorsed by the
It also seems that Bret is now claiming to have trained with an instructor who used to teach Judo in the Clermont area at the old Central Florida Judo dojo. Interestingly enough the school is no longer in business, it closed down several years ago. However it does appear that Gordon wasn't a student there. In addition, former students who all attended Gordon’s school from 2011-2016, put to me that there was no talk of Gordon or Hatfield being involved with Judo or BJJ. You can see a text message (pictured left) from one of the former students. Gordon and Hatfield both were claiming they were already going through their judo training before 2011 and garnering rank. The former students seem to corroborate what Gordon and Hatfield's bios prior to 2020 were stating neither one was involved with Judo or BJJ. If we were to take both Gordon and Hatfield at their word then why wasn't any of this training mentioned in their previous bios before 2019 or 2020 or to even their students?
The former students also remembered Gordon and Hatfield going to a seminar in 2013 and coming back with 3rd and 5th degree black belts in Kojido after only a couple of days of training. It appears that they found someone who would just trade ranks or give them ranks in something with very little or no training. As mentioned earlier Kojido (supposedly Sterns system) is the system they claimed was a off shoot of judo. Stern, a known fraud, isn't someone I would hitch my wagon to. See related article on Jack Stern https://theninjerkiller.blogspot.com/2023/09/kodokan-fraud-in-florida-pt-2-lineage.html
It appears that not even the simplest of their claims can be verified. A lot of their claims stem from people who cant be found, dead or just don't seem to exist or have been out of business for years. Nothing adds up....Jack Sterns own admissions to Broward county Law enforcement and during his trial about making up his martial arts back ground contradict Both Gordon's and Hatfield's claims. I will be releasing police and court documents and transcripts soon.
Gordon's and Hatfield's Kodokan Judo claims have been shot down by the kodokan themselves. I wont to point out their lies over the years got out of control and have been exposed. Neither one will get on the mat and randori with a legitimate judoka, namely me. They know I would mop the mat with them easily and with very little effort. They just aren't and never have been judoka nor have any of the training they try so desperately to imply. See related article https://theninjerkiller.blogspot.com/2023/09/bret-gordon-and-steven-hatfield-kontei.html
The Kodokan in Japan made it very clear in their email response (pictured above) that neither Gordon or Hatfield hold any instructor status or rank with the Kodokan! Gordon sports Hatfield's Kodokan member card to imply a connection to the Kodokan. Buying a member card from the Kodokan is something ANYONE can do online or over the phone. Mickey mouse can purchase a Kodokan membership. It doesn't mean Mickey actually does Judo!
Hatfield and Gordon make an effort to find those who they can garner rank from easily, hether it be trading ranks buying them with little or no training involved. They buy or swap rank and then create a elaborate back story around it and or claim they got due to their expertise. They are experts in nothing except lies and deceptive practices. Kodokan Frauds! They claim to teach real judo the way Kano intended. However, buying rank from individuals who will give you rank if you send them a check isnt the same as earning it. Trading rank at a weekend seminar isn't a practice that is recognized by the kodokan nor is fast tracking rank. There is no such process in judo and certainly not by the kodokan.
The Kodokan has standards and its obvious both Hatfield and Gordon have no clue as to what they are. I have called them out to randori they are welcome to both come and get on the mat but they are too pussy to even show up together. Their existence is repugnant, their inflated rank certificates that they buy in both judo and BJJ and hang up on their walls are nothing more than toilet paper to wipe shit from your ass with.