Sometimes one comes across something that is so questionable in its effectiveness that you cant ignore the incompetency or fathom why someone would think that this would even remotely be effective. In his article entitled "Try that on a Non-Compliant opponent" Bret Gordon showcases another bad video in his string of bad videos. Gordon claims in his article he can stop takedowns with his aiki.
In the video Gordon shows a "aiki" technique that is supposedly effective against an wrestling two on one arm control. The guy in the video didn't even execute the two on one even remotely close to how it's actually applied in a real situation be it sport or self defense. Uke grabbed it like he was holding his girlfriend's hand when on a date. If that's Gordon's idea of real he is bigger candy ass than I thought.
Actually to hear Gordon tell it he is ALL "bout dem streets".
When there is actually zero intent on application of the two one one arm control from the can do whatever they want. To say Bret Gordon is capable at all of stopping a take down or throw under real circumstances is laughable at best. I have white belts who would make Gordon look like a bitch boy. To attempt to pass a obvious compliant partner off as someone who is actually applying a two on one arm drag or control....FOR REAL......well let's just say it's obvious Bret Gordon has obviously never had one applied on him before for real.
Why Gordon keeps posting videos of undeniable proof of how bad he really is boggles the mind. His ineptitude is borderline entertaining. So what's next No touch knockouts? Maybe Gordon can shoot fireballs out of his ass?
If Gordon actually believes this video serves as some example of effectively dealing with a grappler, then my question is..... if Gordon is so capable why then did he shy away from a scrimmage with me? He was given permission to use all the styles he claims ranks in.....I would just stick to judo throws. The perfect opportunity to prove his "aiki" capabilities are even remotely effective....if he actually had any in the first place.
Bret Gordon said himself that he made up his martial arts system at the age of sixteen. That itself speaks volumes. It takes skill and guts to fight Gordon has demonstrated quite efficiently that he has neither. It's obvious Gordon grew up watching too much anime. His mish mash of martial arts, most of which he has said that he has had no formal training in, is useless and ineffective. His videos are undeniable proof of that.
When it comes to the streets being out of shape and soft is the formula for failure in any violent street encounter. However I am going to give Gordon the benefit of the doubt; either he doesn't know what the fuck he is doing or he is just totally inept at it.