Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Let this be perfectly clear, I am someone Bret Gordon willfully and intentionally lied about. I am someone who Gordon purposely tried to defame and slander. My instructors are people he tried to defame and slander. 

With all of the lies about jack Stern exposed in my last article, I intend in the next series of articles to point out every where Gordon intentionally and purposely lied about my background. I am going to break his lies down sentence by sentence and word for word. 

Not one word Gordon has ever written about me was remotely correct or the truth at anytime. 

I offered Gordon the opportunity to get on the mats and scrimmage. He pussed out. I offered to promote him if he could show me any skill at all in a scrimmage against me. He pussed out. I offered to scrimmage with him allowing him to use any of his styles against me and I would stick to judo rules. He pussed out. I offered to scrimmage with him and his instructor at the same time.....he pussed out. I offered time and time again. I only asked that Gordon scrimmage prove his metal....if he actually had any, but he pussed out. Anyone seeing a pattern here? He pussies out....a lot. 

I would help anyone even his former students if they wanted it. It's called having honor and integrity. Something Gordon neither understands or has. He rests on lying and defaming others for his validation. His own background is worthless, his ranks are worthless. If you cant back your rank up on the mats they are worthless. Someone who gets winded walking from the couch to the fridge certainly isn't someone to be critiquing hard training legitimate martial artists who can absolutely walk the walk.  

Yet Gordon had the gall to lie about, insult, slander, defame and disparage those with proven histories, like every single one of  my instructors. 


Gordon’s cowardly ass lies in one of the paragraphs in the article are highlighted below in yellow.

“In his bio on the Winter Haven Judo website, which is his school by the way, Barron specifically leaves out who his Judo instructors were. Doing some more research, the certificates below were posted on one of his numerous blog sites and I can't help but notice a few interesting traits. The most glaring is that his 2nd Dan certificate on the right is in Korean (and both feature the Korean eum-yang in the logo). Does that mean it's really Yudo and he has no right to claim Judo? Or can we admit they're the same thing... Moving on, both certificates are signed by "Terrell R. Tucker" and list "Hoong Woo Ro" as the founder of the Winter Haven Judo Club, which like I said is Barron's own school. If we are to believe everything we find (or can't find) on Google, neither of these two gentlemen ever existed.”

 I want to point out here that Gordon lied in every single sentence of the paragraph above…..

“In his bio on the Winter Haven Judo website, which is his school by the way, Barron specifically leaves out who his Judo instructors were.”

In the first sentence he claims I had left out who my instructors were….this is a lie. To the contrary there were posts that had been up for years before 2020 showing pictures of my instructor, my rank certificates and talking about my formal training in judo. The information was and is found easily online by simply searching Winter Haven Judo club. http://winterhavenjudoclub.blogspot.com/2008/01/newspaper-article-on-judo-club.html  https://winterhavenjudoclub.blogspot.com/2015/05/judo-tougher-than-rest.html

Sensei Tucker and I at the Winter Haven Judo Club. Bottom row: I (Brown belt - Ikkyu) am doing double lapel grip Tai otoshi (1995)

Gordon wrote that my original judo instructor, Terry Tucker, was a fictitious non existent person and that I owned the Winter Haven Judo club and simply promoted myself using forged signatures of a nonexistent person(s). 

“Doing some more research, the certificates below were posted on one of his numerous blog sites and I can't help but notice a few interesting traits. The most glaring is that his 2nd Dan certificate on the right is in Korean (and both feature the Korean eum-yang in the logo).”

Simple answer: Sensei Hoong (Jack) Ro the man Gordon lied about and claimed was fake was Korean. Sensei Ro was Sensei Tucker’s instructor hence why Sensei Tucker would use Korean on his certs. Sensei Ro is also most importantly the one who directed and administered my shodan test. 

Sesnei Tucker charged no money for his tests. I was tested and earned my ranks. I also want to point out that Sensei  Terrell R. Tucker had hand drawn the border on my nidan certificate awarded in 2008 (pictured above). He spent hours on it over a two week period. 

Gordon disparaged and tried to shit on this certificate claiming it was fake. 

Sensei Tucker also purchased my black belt embroidered with my name and rank and a new competition style double weave Gi, that was the top of the line at that time, out of his pocket. This Gi alone was around 400 bucks. I was his first black belt and his only Nidan. 

Gordon being the lying shit fuck he is tried to shit on it. 

Does that mean it's really Yudo and he has no right to claim Judo?

It is pronounced Judo in Korean not Yudo. To actually have learned yudo/judo means one would have been taught it by someone who actually knew it. Gordon built a bed of lies on none other than the likes of Jack Stern, a pathological liar and known judo and martial arts fraud. Who cried like a bitch when he got caught by the police. The fact that he was a fraud was also proven in court no less where he continued to wail and sob on the stand like a..... bitch. Obviously Gordon's idol and picture of a manly man. 

‘both certificates are signed by "Terrell R. Tucker" and list "Hoong Woo Ro" as the founder of the Winter Haven Judo Club, which like I said is Barron's own school. If we are to believe everything we find (or can't find) on Google, neither of these two gentlemen ever existed.”

Now how hard was it to find Terrell R. Tucker online actually? One only had to google his name and it comes up. Apparently that was a task too hard for someone with less than 6th grade level reading comprehension skills.

Or….. Gordon is just a fucking LIAR!

I have already mentioned the winter haven judo website where the history of the judo program was displayed. The Winter Haven Judo club was started in 1972 by Sensei Ro through the city recreational dept. 

News paper article from mid 90s 

I have to ask why would Gordon claim that Sensei Ro was a nonexistent person? Because Sensei Ro was Korean and Koreans like the Japanese are power houses in judo. Sensei Ro was not only present at my shodan test, he administered my test. I received a Shodan certificate individually from him and and another from Sensei Tucker. 

Gordon only wishes he had the back ground that I have. 

I have been told by former students of Gordon that Gordon at some point took to telling people that his article about me was correct when he wrote it...... yet another lie Gordon tells people about me and my background. 

Gordon is a lying piece of shit, the entire paragraph, every sentence that Gordon wrote was a lie. Not one word of it was ever correct at anytime. Gordon knew I was legit, he knew Terry Tucker and Sensei Ro were indeed real people. Gordon wrote the article anyway, lying at every turn that he possibly could.